Gifts of Fellowship

Gifts of Fellowship are acts of generosity by creative women for creative women; gifts of time, space, mentorship, and opportunities to make art side by side; an opportunity to contribute and reach out. These fellowship gifts can be elaborate or simple according to your personal style and expertise. Some examples are A Room of Her Own Residencies (see below); the reciprocal gift of peer review and discussion; free manuscript review by a wizened editor; or a cash award to supplement the cost of application fees, art supplies, studio space or writer's retreat; but don't let these examples restrict your creativity, only get your juices flowing! AROHO facilitates gift-giving as part of our open-access, random-drawing or donate-to-win platform. All Gift of Fellowship sponsors benefit from promotion via AROHO's international digital publishing and web platform and the unlimited reward that comes with taking action and engaging in reciprocity. 

A Room of Her Own Residencies

A Room of Her Own Residencies are created by women who have designated and sponsored a period of time for a woman writer or artist to have an artistic residency at their hospitality property free of charge. A Room of Her Own Residency sponsors additionally receive the AROHO Residency seal for use in business promotions.

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